With over a decade of dedicated experience as a Makeup Artist, Ashlyn has honed her craft across diverse mediums, including TV, film, editorial, bridal, commercial, music videos and high-fashion projects. Her versatility shines through whether enhancing a bride’s natural beauty or pushing creative boundaries with avant-garde editorial looks.

Beyond makeup, she offers expertise in providing a comprehensive approach to meet any client or project’s demands. Efficiency and proactivity are integral to Ashlyn’s work philosophy, ensuring seamless execution and timely delivery. Whether prepping talent or executing last-minute touch-ups, she is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and artistry.

Having seamlessly integrated into numerous television and film sets, Ashlyn brings a steadfast commitment to set etiquette, reliability, and punctuality. She is driven by a passion for excellence and thrives in dynamic environments where her skills can shine. Ashlyn’s blend of creativity, knowledge, professionalism, and dedication keep her in high demand and deem her an asset to anyone she works with.

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